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Last week I had an opportunity to visit with Schneider Electric and their DCIM team in Carrollton, TX.  The goal of the meeting was simple, take a deep dive of StruxureWare for Data Centers.  This exercise allowed me to get a better understanding of what DCIM is all about and learn how it integrates with the selected components used in Compass’ Truly Modular Solution.  Going through the demo all I was thinking about was: “wow,  StruxureWare DCIM is a beast”.  I was truly impressed; the application is simple to use and extremely powerful.  I probably need many more visits to get a good handle on it.  My favorite feature was StuxureWare’s ability to integrate with VMware vSphere.  With this feature, users can migrate virtual machines from the physical host that is failing to a healthy server automatically!

So, who would need this type of software?  Is it the data center manager or the facility manager?  Is it both? Can the sales team benefit from it?  Well, all of the above in my book.

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  • The data center manager can make intelligent decisions at a component level and ensure that the SLA’s are met.
  • The facility manager can increase efficiency of the infrastructure based on gained raised floor insight.
  • The sales team can have a detailed understanding of what is available to sell.
  • Etc.

[space height=”10″]These are just a few examples that come to mind.  I am sure there is a ton more that we can add to the list.  For me, the most important piece is the useful data DCIM tools provide hence enabling the user to make informed decisions.  Decision touching every facet of the data center: capacity planning,  load balancing, energy efficiency, operations, and so on.  I am sure you have heard this before: “you can’t manage what your can’t measure”; and in this case, it is a fact.

[frame src=”http://www.datacentertactics.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2012/06/DCIM_Snapshot.jpg” width=”588″ height=”439″ lightbox=”on” ] StruxureWare Snapshot

So, is DCIM for you?  If so, are you using it to its full capacity?  If not, is there a functional reason (excluding cost) why you are not using DCIM? Has DCIM solved problems in your data center? I would love to hear your story.

*Image Credits: Schneider Electric