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Datacentertactics.com starts NOW

Procrastination – I am done with you! Well, at least as it relates to this blog. The lawn can wait until next week. I have been wanting to start this blog for the longest time and never got around to it. But it is time to  take action on my New Year’s resolution.

I started Datacentertactics.com to share my experiences and learnings with you and the data center industry. This blog will be open minded, critical and practical. I want it to be a conversation, a way for data center professionals to collaborate informally. I love brainstorming, so I will definitely throw ideas on the table and see what you think. Feel free to leave comments along the way. If you want to be a guest author, just send me a note – I am all for collaboration.

So to break the ice, I will answer the questions that I am sure you have been asking yourself, who am I? Why would you want to read my blog?

My name is Jose Ruiz. I have been in the data center industry for five years and have been working in critical environments for 10. For those five years, I was given a great opportunity at the largest wholesale data center company, Digital Realty. At Digital, I worked as a sales engineer, the primary technical resource for data center sales. There was definitely more than selling – but that was our core task. I was part of the best technical sales team in the datacenter industry; it felt great. My colleagues were extremely smart and willing to teach me the ropes. Actually, they opened up the fire-hose of datacenter jargon and taught me the Digital way. In order to be competitive and get out to the field on my own I had to learn very quickly. So I did; and had a lot of fun doing it. I worked on very exciting accounts, both domestic and international. Traveled and met great people along the way. I worked side-by-side with (and learned a ton from) Chris Crosby, Jim Smith, Brent Behrman, Adil Attlassy, Kevin Dalton, Donough Roche… to name a few.

Before Digital, I was member of the world’s greatest naval force, the US Navy. I spent a total of 9 years in my naval career (active duty + reserves). I consider myself extremely blessed to have been able to experience the Navy the way I did. I had (what I consider) the best job in the Navy- flying amazing aircraft around the world. I was a Naval Aviator and had incredible experiences. Do I miss it? Absolutely. But, now I have another kind of fun. One that includes being home for the holidays! Nonetheless, the Navy gave me many experiences and instilled many principles that I apply every day at the office. I attribute part my success as a professional to the Navy. The other part is simply wanting to succeed. Working hard every day and doing great work.

For school, I went to UMASS and got a degree in biomechanical engineering (I wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon at the time) but the thrill of flying military planes diverted me from that goal. That pretty much sums up my background.

Now, I work for Compass Datacenters, a wholesale datacenter start-up, as Director of Engineering. I am very excited to work at Compass and I am ready to do my part and make it successful. Another amazing opportunity to work with the best in the industry.

I am married to my beautiful and supportive wife Neila and we have a 17 month-old baby boy, Enrique.  That’s me in a nut-shell.

Next- why should you read this blog? First, Datacentertactics.com will attempt to address different aspects of the datacenter eco-system. Design, development, finance, best practices, etc; but most importantly- COMMON SENSE. Second, I will present fresh ideas, ask many questions and have good constructive discussions. Lastly, I want to empower young professionals to collaborate. Well, something like that.  I will make categories as I write the blog.  It will be a work-in-progress and will be shaped by my readers.

Thanks for reading my first blog and I look forward to the conversations we will have in datacentertactics.com. Go find your Datacenter-ness!


Next Week: “CFD – a should or a must?”