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About Jose Ruiz

[column col=”1/3″]Jose Ruiz
US Naval Aviator Wings
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Jose, a native of San Juan, Puerto Rico, graduated from the University of Massachusetts with a degree in biomechanical engineering.  He was commissioned an Ensign in the United States Navy in 2003.  After Officer Candidate School, he completed flight training and was designated a naval aviator.  During his time in active duty, Jose flew numerous missions in multiple aircraft platforms around the world.   In addition to his flying duty, he held positions such as Legal Officer,  Assistant Operations Officer and Program Manager for the naval aviation squadrons he was assigned.  In these positions, Jose provided long term strategy planning for overseas detachments and coordinated hundreds of worldwide logistics missions.  He was awarded two Navy Achievement Medals for leadership and outstanding performance.

In 2008, Jose transferred to the Navy Reserves and started working in the data center industry as a sales engineer at Digital Realty Trust, a leading wholesale data center provider.  At Digital, Jose was immersed in the design, construction, operations and sales of data centers worldwide.  He also attained the designation of LEED AP, Building Design and Construction, from the U.S. Green Building Council.  His performance and success led to being awarded the Sales Engineer of the Year award in 2010.

Currently, Jose works for Compass Datacenters, a wholesale datacenter start-up, as Director of Engineering.  He lives in North Dallas with his wife and son.[/column]